Sunday, September 13, 2009

FATLACE, SF - another cultural gem in Japantown

Hidden among small shops covered in illegible-to-most Japanese writing on Post & Laguna is a small shop called Fat Lace (which, apparently, has been open for the past decade)! Within the relatively small four walls is a treasure trove of goods fit to please any tuned-in individual with cultural/trend awareness living in SF and beyond. From Starfucker track frames (which are hard to find, but reportedly give a bit of sway) and bike components, to sneakers, men's clothing, skateboards and art, there really isn't anything a well-informed San Franciscan couldn't find in this store.

In addition to the "Headquarters," as they refer to the store, Fat Lace also has an online magazine that is updated daily on the reg.

AND...for the Ladies who like to stay informed on fashion, culture, and the blog world, there is Ladylike, an affiliate of Fatlace targeting the better sex. (wink)

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